Contact & Locations

If you have a chemical emergency related to an Afton product, please Click Here

For employment verification inquiries, please Click Here

Europe, Middle East, Africa, India (EMEAI)

Afton Chemical Limited
London Road, Bracknell
Berkshire RG12 2UW

United Kingdom
T: +44 0 1344 304141
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Asia Pacific

Afton Chemical Asia Pte. Ltd.
103 Penang Road, #09-01
Visioncrest Commercial
Singapore 238467

T: +65 6732-0822
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Latin America

Afton Chemical Industria de Aditivos LTDA.
Estrada da Boa Esperança, 650 Parte
Bom Pastor, Belford Roxo – RJ
CEP: 26.110-120

T: +55 21 3559-7576
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North America

Corporate Headquarters
Afton Chemical Corporation
500 Spring Street
Richmond, VA 23219

T: +1 804 788-5800
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Emergency Response

Afton Chemical Corporation's emergency response telephone numbers are:

+1 (800) 424-9300 U.S. and Canada

+1 (703) 527-3887 Outside of the U.S. and Canada

These CHEMTREC numbers are displayed on Afton’s SDS’s, product labels and shipping documents as well as most U.S. bulk shipping containers.

Afton has a Global Contract with CHEMTREC and CHEMTREC has direct access to all of Afton’s SDS’s. Upon receiving a call involving a chemical emergency related to an Afton product, CHEMTREC will immediately contact one of Afton’s Emergency Response Coordinators. Afton’s Chemical Emergency Responders are on call 24-7 to respond to any chemical emergency.