If you have a chemical emergency related to an Afton product, please Click Here

Afton Chemical Limited
London Road, Bracknell
Berkshire RG12 2UW
T: +44 0 1344 304141
Afton Chemical SRL
Alma Court
Lenneke Marelaan, 8
B-1932 St-Stevens-Woluwe
T: +32 2 715-2211
Afton Chemical France
Succursale de Afton Chemical S.R.L.
22 Quai Gallieni
92150 Suresnes, France
T: +32 27 15 22 51
Afton Chemical India PVT Ltd
Lotus Corporate Park, 7th Floor, A Wing
Ram Mandir Lane
Western Express Highway
Goregaon East
Mumbai 400063 India
T: (91) 22 6728 0200
Afton Chemical Middle East
PO Box 507248
Dubai, UAE
Office 1830-31, Central Park Towers
Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)
T: +971 4 513 5770
Emergency Response
Afton Chemical Corporation's emergency response telephone numbers are:+1 (800) 424-9300 U.S. and Canada
+1 (703) 527-3887 Outside of the U.S. and Canada
These CHEMTREC numbers are displayed on Afton’s SDS’s, product labels and shipping documents as well as most U.S. bulk shipping containers.
Afton has a Global Contract with CHEMTREC and CHEMTREC has direct access to all of Afton’s SDS’s. Upon receiving a call involving a chemical emergency related to an Afton product, CHEMTREC will immediately contact one of Afton’s Emergency Response Coordinators. Afton’s Chemical Emergency Responders are on call 24-7 to respond to any chemical emergency.