HiTEC® 6431

Aftermarket Gasoline Performance Additive
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Key Performance Benefits

  • Carburetor keep clean and clean up
  • Fuel injector keep clean and clean up
  • Intake valve deposit keep clean and clean up
  • Octane requirement increase (ORI) control
  • Corrosion protection


HiTEC® 6431 gasoline performance additive is specifically formulated for use as an aftermarket fuel treatment additive for prevention and removal of intake system deposits. HiTEC® 6431 is formulated with a synthetic carrier fluid and Afton Chemical's unique Mannich detergent.

Typical Characteristics

Handling Information

Max Handling Temp: 39°C
Shelf Life: 40 months @ ambient temperature

Recommended Dosage

Please contact your Afton Chemical representative for specific recommendations.