HiTEC® 4142

Diesel Fuel Lubricity Additive
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Key Performance Benefits

  • Proven HFRR performance in a variety of fuels
  • Low sulfur content (<15 ppmm) minimizes impact on ULSD
  • Excellent low temperature stability and handling
  • Enhanced corrosion protection
  • Compatible and completely miscible with commonly used diesel fuel additives
  • Demonstrated no-harm performance:
    • Compatible with lubricants
    • Will not cause fuel filter plugging
    • No impact on water shedding, corrosion, thermal stability, cloud point or fuel conductivity


HiTEC® 4142 mono-acidic lubricity improver additive is designed to improve the lubricity of ultra low sulfur diesel fuels and provide cost effective solutions to ASTM D975 compliance.

Recommended Dosage

Please contact your Afton Chemical representative for specific recommendations.

Typical Characteristics

Handling Information

Max Handling Temp: 45°C
Shelf Life: 48 months