HiTEC® 7169

Inhibits Wear, Oxidation and Bearing Corrosion
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Key Performance Benefits

HiTEC® 7169 ZDDP is a secondary zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate and is an outstanding inhibitor of wear, oxidation and bearing corrosion for use in lubricating oils and greases.

  • Superior wear and bearing corrosion control, giving maximum protection
  • Good antioxidation performance contributing to extended lubricant life
  • High thermal stability, permitting the formulation of crankcase lubricants and greases designed for the highest performance levels


Typical Characteristics

Handling Information

Max Handling Temp: 55°C
Shelf Life: 30 months @ ambient (15-35°C)

Recommended Dosage

Please contact your Afton Chemical representative for specific recommendations.