eMobility: are you on the CASE?

eMobility is a global megatrend that will shape the future of personal transport. This encompasses Connected, Autonomous, Shared and Electric vehicles.  Respected forecasts show lubricant usage growth beyond 2040, with electrificaiton impacting market size less than factors such as vehicle population growth, sump size and drain interval. But beyond electrification, eMobility will have more subtle effects.  

In this article published in Lube magazine, Afton explores how eMobility will influence how and what we sell; shaping sales channels, partnerships and desirable lubricant properties.

Reproduced with permission per Lube Magazine (June 2019), the original publication point, via Lube Media (www.lube-medi.com)

Navigate to see Afton Chemical's eMobility findings and trends transforming the Automotive industry.
Afton Chemical presents "Oils and Electric Motors (eMotors)", as published in Lube Magazine


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