Asia Pacific

If you have a chemical emergency related to an Afton product, please Cliquez ici


Afton Chemical Asia Pte. Ltd.
103 Penang Road, #09-01
Visioncrest Commercial
Singapore 238467

T: +65 6732-0822


Afton Chemical Asia Pacific LLC
PO Box 285
North Sydney, NSW 2060
Email: [email protected]

T: +61 2 9978-5800


Afton Chemical (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
China World Office 1, Room 707
No.1 Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue
Beijing, P. R. China 100004

T: +86-10-6535 0000


Afton Chemical Japan Corporation
Hirakawacho Mori
Tower 7F
2-16-1 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 102-0093, Japan

T: +81 3 5210-4862


Afton Chemical Korea Co.,Ltd.
 27th Floor, 511, Yeongdong-daero,
Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, Republic Korea 06164

T: +82-31-796-9180

Emergency Response

Afton Chemical Corporation's emergency response telephone numbers are:

+1 (800) 424-9300 U.S. and Canada

+1 (703) 527-3887 Outside of the U.S. and Canada

These CHEMTREC numbers are displayed on Afton’s SDS’s, product labels and shipping documents as well as most U.S. bulk shipping containers.

Afton has a Global Contract with CHEMTREC and CHEMTREC has direct access to all of Afton’s SDS’s. Upon receiving a call involving a chemical emergency related to an Afton product, CHEMTREC will immediately contact one of Afton’s Emergency Response Coordinators. Afton’s Chemical Emergency Responders are on call 24-7 to respond to any chemical emergency.