eMobility: What's in an eAxle?

To understand the myriad lubrication needs of eAxles and how best to meet them, it helps to define what an eAxle is and highlight the many types of technology it may contain. The greater the number of demands made upon one lubricant, the more important it is to design a dedicated fluid for the application.

This article explores the different demands and how the lubricant must evolve to facilitate for a more efficient, enjoyable – and indeed, more autonomous – driving experience from eAxle-powered vehicles.


Navigate to see Afton Chemical's eMobility findings and trends transforming the Automotive industry.
Afton Chemical presents eMobility: Cool Technology
Afton Chemical presents "Oils and Electric Motors (eMotors)", as published in Lube Magazine
Afton Chemical presents "eMobility Fluids", as published in Transmission Technology International (TTI)
Afton Chemical presents eMobility: Are you on the CASE?, as published in Lube Magazine
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