Formula for change

Rapidly evolving powertrain strategies are requiring a new generation of sophisticated, tailor-made lubricants within ever-tightening deadlines. Within the last 10 years, Europe (and to some extent America) has gone through a boom-and-bust cycle with diesel, the Chinese market has swollen exponentially, and electrification is very quickly becoming mainstream. But conventional combustion engine technology is evolving too, with the increasing popularity of gasoline direct-injection (GDI) systems and new challenges are developing more quickly than regulations. Afton Chemical’s eMobility Marketing Manager, Adam Banks was interviewed alongside other professionals to give his view on how the market has changed over the years and how suppliers are keeping pace.
Featured in the January 2021 addition of Engine + Powertrain Technology International Magazine.



The full magazine can be found here - Engine + Powertrain Technology International Magazine, January 2021

Navigate to see Afton Chemical's eMobility findings and trends transforming the Automotive industry.
Afton Chemical presents "Oils and Electric Motors (eMotors)", as published in Lube Magazine
Afton Chemical presents eMobility: Are you on the CASE?, as published in Lube Magazine

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