Diesel Performance Additives in Light Duty Vehicles
Enhancing performance in fuel economy, power, and acceleration
In recent years, the diesel fuel and engine landscapes have changed considerably. Sulfur levels have been reduced globally to enable implementation of advanced exhaust treatment systems that significantly reduce vehicle emissions. OEMs have turned to new generations of engine platforms to improve performance and lower emissions, leading to injection systems with higher pressures, higher temperatures, and lower clearances.
With the proliferation of Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) and the widespread use of High-Pressure Common Rail (HPCR) injection systems, a new generation of issues can negatively impact diesel engine and fuel system performance. Light-duty diesel performance additives clean and protect vital fuel-system components to help heavy-duty vehicle and equipment engines maintain design performance over the years and miles.
Our diesel performance additives enhance performance in key areas such as fuel economy, power, and acceleration, while also helping to reduce emissions to protect the environment. By providing vital whole engine system protection, they also minimize vehicle and equipment downtime.
Afton’s patented Greenclean® deposit-control detergent technology is the backbone of our diesel performance additive products. Our solutions can meet the entire range of your cleanliness challenges in mineral and biodiesel blends–from meeting regulatory requirements to supporting performance claims in the latest engines in your markets. Whether you are focusing on promoting a premium product, protecting your market share or developing an aftermarket product, Afton has the solution.
Afton additive solutions can be tailored to address regional challenges associated with variable fuel quality issues around the world. Combined with additional active technologies, such as cold flow improver and lubricity, our solutions can meet your entire range of challenges, from fuel economy to operational robustness.
As a world leader in diesel performance additives, we’ll continue to provide the technology platform and industry insight for leading fuel brands, delivering premium products and protecting your market share.